The ShoutOut Chatbox community successfully celebrated its’ 2nd birthday last night in
Though it was just a simple buffet dinner gathering without any planned events to go with, it was truly one enjoyable evening of casual mingling and camwhoring fun that deserves my ‘Two Thumbs UP!’
I have now no regret putting aside my earlier fears of the odd feeling being in the company of people probably half my age and yielding to Charles’s enticement and temptation of an opportunity to meet up with those nice and friendly members. After all, the theme of the night was ‘The Odd and the Oddess’ and what could be more peculiarly odd than having a father & son sharing the same friends? Lols!
To you Lasker & Elise, I would not only like to say, “You both deserve my applauding congratulations for a job very well done!” but also, “ You both truly deserve to have one another!”
its really great to meet u =) learn alot from u about latin! nice to meet u ;)
Dear sir,
It is an honour to meet you :) Yeah, you should not worry about the age differences. I had the same worry before when I first started ShoutOut. But now all that is far far behind me now .. hahaha.
Glad you enjoyed the night! and I hope we meet again soon!
Got a pantai keracut hike coming up on 18th of May .. see WhatsNext for more details if you are interested!
(unless charleskey pulled you along, whichever is earlier :D)
Lasker, Don't 'knight' me with the "sir' address la...we are SO family ma..why so hark hei one?
Thanks for your visit here..and the invitations.
i had a great time there and it was a pleasure meeting you :P
Satkuru, Same here..glad to have met you there too! Looking forward to having a good chat with you on the next opportunity.
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