Everything they need they can 'kow tim' themselves !

Noticed the socks, dirty shoe and a runaway hamster in my new banner above? These are actually the very things that inspired me to nick my blog as ‘9pek9bo’ (pronounced as ‘khow pek khow bo’ a Hokkien dialect phrase meaning 'to nag')
It is because whenever leempek starts complaining about the messy sight that greets me when I return home each day, my two 2 guilty to the bone ‘siew-yeh chyes’ would teasingly say, “lau-eh, mian 9pek9bo so much la (old fart, don’t nag.....)
Sure enough they were, with one busy lying on the sofa watching video series and the other busily glued to the PC monitor, what can this ‘lau-eh’ do except to 9pek9bo! haizzzz!!
Talking about gluing oneself to the PC… if any married man can spend as much time with his spouse as Charles can with his PC, he should either be a husband 'MADE IN HEAVEN' or they are living at no. 665, nextdoor to the Devil!
Oh yes! Charles’s postcount in the Shoutbox even got him a 2nd ranking
these days.
Not a surprise at all for a person who can even 'kapsiao' so much during his sleep (sleeptalk) and Dr.Dolittling everyday with his hamsters & ‘Boom Tze’ the stray cat……… hahaha!
If he gets any nuttier, he’ll probably be ‘kupster-ing’ (chatty) with imaginery people in his head soon.. and I can imagine his shouting in the SHOUT-OUT would probably be like this…
(note: like any other SO...please read the messages from bottom up)
Just when I thought I could get back to blogging some fun thingies, I read in disgust the following ‘kanasai’ report….
Niamah! Of all people to show bad examples as sore-losers to the younger generation of our nation, it has to be the very people entrusted with the responsibility to educate them!
Don’t these ‘BoNau por-lampars’ understand that irrespective of what party the state government is from, they are chosen by us, the rakyat through the constitutional democratic system of the ballot box and thus should be given due respect as honorable statesmen like any others we have had chosen before them? Really ‘mempersiasuikan’ for not understanding such basics!
By the way, aren’t government officers supposed to be non-partisan in politics when carrying out their duties or have I been out in the cyberworld too long to realize the change of rules in the game?
"We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own."
said Ben Sweetland
and to these losers, I say..............
just as a reminder to UP YOUR integrity befitting your profession!
Charles celebrating with BoomTze de'cat, Golden Chin Soo Boon & his hamster kias.
The answer sheet, in grandiloquent English of a MCE student in the 70's may appear something like this.........
.............and from our present day SPM student, here's what we may get to read, English in it's evolved state ..a dramatic language we Malaysians are all so familiar with......
This was taken from inside the coffeeshop at corner of Kampong Malabar, Penang Road
Rooftop view of Little India taken from my office window.
A part of Kek Lok Si temple.
Taken on the way down from Kek Lok Si Tenple
Both these last two pics taken near entrance of Gurney Plaza.
I have always regarded it as my parental duty to bring my children along to GE ceramahs to hear for themselves the other side of the story before they turned blur-sotong politically like many young adults are these days. It’s kind of a ‘brain-detox’ therapy to unlearn all those political rubbish that they had been exposed to from the lop-sided news media we have in this country.( please don't farkin tell me he's under age to listen to ceramahs and yet allowed to be bombarded with all sorts of political propagandas from the TV and newspapers in my own home!!!)
At those recent ceramahs we attended Charles had a great time shooting event pics with his FUJIFILM semi-pro camera like he was a journalist. It was a fantastic experience for him… meeting up and camwhoring with Jeff Ooi…and getting a few words from former Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk seri Anwar Ibrahim personally!
Charles with the now Jelutong MP, Jeff Ooi (the 'godfather' of bloggers)
and here is when Datuk Seri had a word with Charles
while caught up in the traffic jam after the Rifle Range ceramah.