Saturday, December 29, 2007

MyPics Dedications
So... for a change, instead of writing some silly stuff, I'm posting here to share with you some of those pics taken on that day.
Specially dedicating these pics to my new found friends in the blogsphere- (in random order......nickchan, Annailovetobeme, Chingy, kyliemc, aaronwoolala, Saewei, BenjiPapa, GenYong, Kexin, eStee, Angeline, Swei, wenDY, elaine, AlvinNg, Jesyln and the many others who has yet to leave their names here.... Wishing you guys," A Beautiful Life ahead!"

That "wobbling Alien" Charleskey on his spaceship!

Look carefully, these are not birdies but flowers!

Peeping thro' two leaves to take these 2 shots.

Thursday, December 27, 2007
My New Year Revolution Resolution
“Ssssh! Not so loud, you wanna get me an all free holiday stay in Hotel Kamunting ar?
“It’s new year ‘resolution’ and not ‘revolution’ lah!” I corrected this young MTC (mai-tak-chek) punk just as I had with his mispronunciation of ‘pows’ for ‘pause’, ‘Re-ween’ for ‘rewind’ and ‘ser-toop’ for ‘setup’.
This is the very same accidental clown of the house who coined the word ‘NOUN-LESS’ to admonish Charles after I scolded him (JayBoy) for being ‘boh-now’ (no brains in Hokkien)…LOL!
Anyway, that Revolution/Resolution confusion of words happened many years ago when JayBoy n.a.w.t. m.t.c was just a naughty little kid who used to go around singing, “chin kwai lan….chin kwai lan” to the tune of that mandarin song ‘Sing Thai Luan’ as he cycled around the neighborhood!
As for the resolutions of mine Jayboy enquired? Well.. don’t worry, they have been properly numbered and filed with rest.. waiting for them to be epitaphed on my tombstone someday… making it the tallest structure around Batu Gantong, even overshadowing that PGCC landmark!
It’ll probably read,
“Here lies our beloved ‘Phok-kai’ dad who left us nothing
but this long list of unaccomplished New Year Resolutions.
May his soul rest as peaceful
as these resolutions did all these years!”
Hahaha! I’ll be LOL-ing in the grave then!
Choi! Choi! Choi!..New year coming and I’m blogging about this ‘ngmm hoe yee thau’ thingy!. Ptui! Ptui! Ptui! Let me get back on track and present you my resolutions for this year..

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Mr. Santa Klaus- North Pole
In my job, I need to travel a lot delivering toys & presents to the never-ending list of “NOT naughty” mothersuckers.
Unlike the good ol’days, these teats-maniacs are more demanding and hard to please nowadays, even complaining I’m not getting the right stuff for ‘em. How on earth should I know “ram” is a thing in their PC and not an animal or, Apple is no longer a fruit?
With this increasing stress in my job, yelling “HO HO HO!” became more of a task than an effort until Rudolf (my not-so-bright reindeer) introduced me to this “LOL”! (He could have also intro me to VIAGRA then but damn it, he didn’t! See? told ya, he ain’t that bright after all!)
Ever since, I can never leave home without charging up my LOLs from ppl in that little box on the right, called Cbox so that I can “HOHOHO!” all the way!
Mr. La-Fing Boo Da - Eastern Sky
While I don’t have to go around “ho-ho-ing like Santa ( my ee-po, char-wa eh soon) brudder, my job requires me to put on a happy laughing face while listening to the woes and wishes of my people.
Most of the time, I find laughing on my job” sup-sup-soi” especially when I come across people wanting me to help them with their weight or hair loss problem! (
To cut things short, “LOL is my way of Life” and hope is YOURS too!"
Saturday, December 22, 2007
HAHAHAHA!…Overdosed of LOL leh?
According to my friend Dr. What Sumthing Sumthing, this is a normal reaction and can easily be relieved by taking “HAHADOL”. The amount to be taken varies according to how many “Ha” spilling out from you.
So, Chingy, WenDY and Anna, I believe u have to take 4 tablets 4 times a day!!! ..but don’t call me first thing in the morning. Anyway, you won’t be able to… because you’ll be busy “toilet Hiroshima-ing” after consuming the HAHADOL. (how else do u think this HAHADOL can stop you from having fun huh?)
I’m even more concerned with Aaron@AxiaL who had a “LMAO” attack… which I was told (by my son, Charles) has something to do with damage of the posterior end.
Aaron, please hang on there, we’ll get this ASSPRIN over to you before you have to rename yourself as Ass-less Aaron@Axial! Hahahahahaha! ( think I better go and down the whole bottle of HAHADOL myself!)
Breaking News: Our health minister is considering a ban on dispensing LOLs in the blogs. He said that the gaomen's heavily subsidized supply of LOLs distributed thru the various statements made by our ministers and their deputies should be sufficient enough!
BTW notes to:
Chingy,WenDY, Anna & Aaron- Thanks for allowing me to bring a little laughter into your life. Do remember your next clinic visit here for more LOL

Friday, December 21, 2007
Dr."What Sumthing-Sumthing" LOL tablets
This is because you may be suffering from a very contagious deadly disease called “LS2D” ( LifeSuxs-2Death) probably passed on to you by infected ppl around you.
According to Dr.”what sumthing-sumthing”, the symptoms are as follows:
Behavioral symptom- Complaining & criticizing anything & everything under the sky. To the infected mind, everything except themselves sux! ( Mafoolat! Some LS2D sufferers even refer bloggers as “monkeys”!)
Physical symptom- Partial facial Palsy, some facial muscles around their mouths seem to be on holiday- The “see money orso cannot smile” type mia muka!
Mental condition- to the infected, happy times seems as old as those churned up stories in your sejarah books?
To combat this LS2D, Dr.”what sumthing-sumthing” strongly recommends a heavy dose of "LOL" supplements daily which are best sourced from the blogs.
For this Special Seasonal Offer, Dr."What Sumthing-Sumthing" LOL package comes along with a FREE "STRESS REDUCTION KIT" just in case the LOL medication is not working for you!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thanx folks for your comments!
To: flux- glad I have something here that tickles you too.
Yea Swei, this dad not only “rock” but also jive, hip hop, shuffle & pop too!
I’m sure many other dads also blog. After all, beneath that stern looking masks we dads tend to put on sometimes, we are as human as you. The only difference is that we don’t yak or chatter that much thru’the vocal cord & mouth like you ppl do, we do it thru the other end especially after a heavy meal… in flat key. Now you know why it’s called “flatulence”? LOL!
To: eStee who asked “your son is as cool as u... or is it ur as cool as ur son?!”
Lucky thing that I’m one of those rare adults who understands the new gen lingo to know what “cool” means because in my time they said I was “hot” and now this SYT ( sweet young thing) says uncle “cool”! ( world climate changes that drastic meh?) hahaha! Estee, you are equally cool!
I must confess I ‘m juz a beginner here with so much to learn from you folks. In fact, this blog is born after many moons of persuasion, enticement and even bribery by my son, Charles ( appointed my blog sifu). So while he is a chip of the old block, I must say “I am a chip of this young blog”.
Charles told me some of you were taken aback by my liberal usage of the “F” word which I used to spice up the fun in reading before you zzzzz away. The truth is that in person I DO NOT utter such words just like artists who paint nudes do NOT go around naked. The only F language I speak would sound something like this… “Flights of feathered fancy forever frolicking freely from far and farther in fraternity and friendship”.. Now…go get something to wipe all those showerings you just sprayed on your monitor!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007

scent of "LAST CHRISTMAS" after dinner throw-up
stinking socks aromatic ( good for reviving faints)
Monday, December 3, 2007
Smart-Ass Reporter!
As expected, a large crowd of “kay-pos” gathered.
A newspaper reporter, anxious to get his story could not get near the car.
Being a pandai pandai sort, he started shouting loudly, 'Let me through! Let me through! I am the son of the victim.'
The crowd made way for him.
Lying in front of the car was a donkey!