“So long, fair well .... goodbye 2008!
Thank you for the wonderful time ..
It's now over but you'd been great!”
Just as I was writing the above to bid adios to the old year,Charlie popped me with the question…….
“Dad, aren’t you going to blog about your New Year Resolutions for this year?”
I went, “ Oei! You think your dad is a sinful criminal desperately needing repentance and resolutions to reform or what? Last year’s ones also not kowtim yet…wanna make some more resolutions ar? ”
Frankly, I ‘m not so worried about the weakness in me for breaking almost all the resolutions I made over the years (which hamkaling doesn't?), I’m more concerned with my foolishness for repeatedly making them in the first place! While April Fools are people being fooled by others, December fools are self-made!
With that in mind about making New Year Resolutions but yet, not wanting to miss out the fun last December when I started my 9pek9bo-ing here, I jumped in the wagon of December fools and I posted my nine 9pek9bo 2008 Resolutions then....choosing to be a witty fool then to be a foolish wit!
So instead of making new ones this year....I listened to our 'velly cleber gaomen's call to 'JIMAT' and recycle the good old ones here, updated with added comments-

1.Damnit! There was nothing wrong with my memory or interpretations! It must be those screwed up motor factory people who screwed in the wrong kind of meter that was screwing my brains with confusion! Installing the correct one which looks like this solved the E & F confusion-

See? I was right all along.. at the bottom section of the meter, ‘E’ means 'E'NOUGH money in my WALLET ..and ‘F’ means my WALLET money 'F'INITO liao!

2. Already confirmed with the departmental store management, they really meant canine pets and NOT the aunties! They disallow pet dogs because their hair are usually groomed RESEMBLING their owners (some even dressed like their owners!) and the management do not want to get embarrassed finding some silly blur-blur salesgirls getting confused, giving sales talks to the wrong bitches!

3. No longer need to argue with the authorities about WHETHER this sign refers to BLACK or WHITE ciggi…I just tell them that it is evidently clear that it was the CIGARETTE that was SMOKING and NOT ME! ......I WAS JUST A SUCKER! :qp

4. Still working very hard on this tough one, especially nowadays when Charles is more into abstract photography Art .... Niamahfoolat! He thinks my wrinkles and nose hairs can make good subjects for his abstract Macro shots!

5. This is farking hard to accomplish especially when I need to eff-off those F[_]cking BohNow brain-farked KKN, CCB, MCH, LC, PKM UNMOral policitians who were unfortunately micraulous-fcukingly NOT DROWNED in the March 8 tsuNIAMAH! (Thank you 2008! that was the best present we had in 50 years!) This is the only avenue i can diu them
without spoiling my ballot paper ma!

6. Like faithful LOVERS, the Old HABITS couldn’t GO, they say, " YOU GO, I GO la!..." Niamah! if only people can be as faithful as my HABITs! (No wonder I spend more time with my bad HABITS than with people..unless of course, they are my BAD HABITS!)

7. Not working perfectly here cos' by the time I struggled to get into my old tight Latin Ballroom clothes, the allocated dance practice time already almost over! Besides, I think I found a more practical exercise to get back into shape.. RUNNING!
I 'm getting the kick out of running from the bedroom to the fridge in the kitchen umpteen times a day! I'm getting into shape, alright!...into the shape resembling my fridge I mean...Sei Lor!

8. They are no longer looking like ******* (7stars)wor.................but more like this ....... (seven dots) geh? Anyway, to avoid forgetting the passwords, I just need to tell someone about it.
Huh? Not right meh? If NOT, then why are they calling it PASSwords if I don't pass the words info to somebody?

9. “Oh Manikam, Manikam! Wherefore art thou Mr. Manikam?
Money is down, recession hurts.
All I need is you… Mr. Manikam,
to sell me that winning ticket!
So once again I repeat,