Anyway, just before I left for the ‘Justice for TBH’ solidarity gathering yesterday I commented on Lilian’s 5Xmom blog….teasingly volunteering to be her ‘tripod assistant’ in her task as a CITIZEN JOURNALIST there at Wisma Penyayang…
I hurriedly left home for the venue without realizing she had replied, suggesting that I take some close-up shots of people’s facial expressions there last night…
Alas, by the time I got to read her suggestion, way too late at 5am this morning, (after a good night rest of my aching body and feet. Stood 3 and half hours throughout the forum weii!....) all I found in my camera were something like these below….

Diu! Angry or sad facial expression shots tak lak la..... but plenty of these back shots showing ..errrrr... people losing hair over the sad incident perhaps! (Toolan until 'Loot Mor' la!)

and legs-shots .... that don't tell much.....But, sadly that was the only other option of view I had there while sardined right at the back of the crowded hall!
See my heavy PAKALOLO boots that I always wear to crowded events for fear of being stepped on? This is what they called 'Batu' shoes heavy as rocks...hahaha!

and more legs here....

........and what about this 'shoulders' shot? Can see the anger and sadness of those people there or not? No?

Well..I don't have any close-up angry facial expression shots to show here.... but the very fact that thousands of Penangites were there, cramped and sweltering in solidarity speaks aloud their anger as well as their care and concern.
Pics showing the rest of the crowd who could not get into the hall, watching live broadcast projector screen at the foyer downstairs...